

Monari Victor Ombane - Masters of Science in Procurement and Logistics, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya

Dr. Mike A. Iravo (PhD) - Lecturer, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya

Dr. Yusuf Kibet - Lecturer, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya


Public procurement is the procurement of goods and services on behalf of a public authority, such as a government agency. Due to their inability to compete with gigantic global firms in bidding for and winning procurement contracts, special groups may need some form of protection. Indeed, in order to guard against the negative outcomes of opening up national markets, countries have been involved in various discrimination practices, both open and tacit. The study sought to analyze the performance of the preference and reservation policy in public procurement among persons with disabilities in Kenya. The study was guided by the following research objectives; To examine the perceptions towards the effects of corruption on the performance of preference and reservations policy  among persons with disabilities; To explore the perceptions on how skills affect the performance of the preference and reservations policy in public procurement among persons with disabilities and to establish the perceptions of how culture affects the performance of the preference and reservations policy in public procurement. The study was based on Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital. It adopted a survey study design. It revolved around the persons with disabilities preference and reservations policy. Focus Group Discussions and questionnaires formed the studies primary data collection tools. The study focused on the senior management heads in the procurement department, persons with disabilities and the procurement officers. The study adopted purposive sampling on the senior management of procurement department and simple random sampling on the procurement officers and PWDs. Data was tabulated and statistically analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics descriptive statistics involved percentages, frequencies while inferential statistics adopted regression model. The purpose of descriptive statistics was to enable the researcher to meaningfully describe the findings. Data was presented in Tables and bar graphs. The study used SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) program to aid the analysis. From the findings the performance of preference and reservation policy is still low and therefore there is need to adhere to the constitution on the 30% reservation for the youth, women and persons with disabilities. Organizations need to comply with the policies with regard to persons with disabilities in order for them to be equalized in all areas in the society. From the study it can be concluded that corruption is highly rated as the major influence of the performance of preference and reservation policy for persons with disabilities. Though skills and culture have been highlighted by the respondents as an influencing factor, the test on the hypothesis revealed that it has a negative influence on the performance of preference and reservation policy.  The study recommended that the government should implement the disability policy and fast track provisions on procurement for persons with disabilities. The study hoped that the findings of this study will prove valuable to decision-makers, planners, institutions and researchers on sharing knowledge and experiences across the continent in order to enhance the performance of the preference and reservation policy among persons with disabilities. 

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