

Patrick Wairu - Masters in Business Administration (Strategic Management), Kenyatta University, Kenya

Esther Gitonga - Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Kenya


The government of Kenya is spending considerable resources at the constituency level. In 2009/ 2010 at least Kshs. 73 billion went towards decentralized fund spending. Despite ongoing reforms and the passage of the Constitution of Kenya (2010) which seeks to promote transparency, local development funds have failed to adopt transparent practices in key areas. There is absence of an overall strategic development framework to guide these expenditures is giving citizens a raw deal in development.  This study sought to determine the role of strategy implementation practices on management of constituency development fund in Nairobi County, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were; the influence of organizational structure, leadership, resource allocation and organizational culture on performance of National Government Constituency Development Fund in Kenya. The study was anchored on two theories which included resource-based view theory and knowledge-based theory. The study used a descriptive research design.  The target population for the study was 46 respondents from the NGCDF Board head offices at the Nairobi City County which also happens to be the headquarters of the board. Since the population of the study was not too large, the study targeted to get responses from all the population. It was therefore a census sample. The study used a semi-structured questionnaire administered to each member of the sample population. The study carried out a pilot study to pretest and validate the questionnaire. Quantitative data collected was analyzed by the use of descriptive statistics using SPSS. The analysed data was presented in graphs, frequencies, charts and tables for interpretation and to enable draw conclusions and recommendations thereof.  The study realized that organizational structure, organizational culture, leadership and resource allocation positively and significantly influenced the performance of the CDF projects in Kenya. However the leadership was found not to be inclusive and consultative, inadequate resources and poor utilization of those available, weak board structure and low employ capacity to management the fund. The study recommended capacity building to the existing staff at the board, embracing consultative and inclusive leadership and also diligent use of available resource coupled with allocation of more resource to the fund to enable effective and efficient performance of the NGCDF in Kenya. 

Full Length Research (PDF Format)