

Rose Nafula Situma - Master of Science (Human Resource Management), Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya

Dr. Mike A. Iravo (PH.D) - Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya


Teacher motivation has become an important issue given their responsibility to impart knowledge and skills to learners. Consequently, the study investigated the effects of motivational factors on the performance of public secondary school employees in Bungoma North Sub-County. Specifically, the objectives of this study was to find out the level of motivation; the effect of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on the performance of teachers, principals and non-teaching staff. Stratified sampling was used to select schools for study. By stratifying secondary schools as either county or Sub County, it facilitated comparison of motivators and teacher performance in each category of schools. A total of 163 respondents were targeted by the study constituting 30% of the total teacher population in the Sub-County. This constitutes 63 teachers, 88 non-teaching staff and 12 principals.  Purposive sampling technique was used to sample principals and non-teaching staff while simple random sampling technique was used to sample teachers. Questionnaires and interview schedules were used as instruments for data collection. The researcher administered the instruments to the respondents who were given ample time to respond to the questions. This ensured achievement of a good return ratio and helped respondents to get a chance to seek clarification on items which proved difficult. The instruments of the study were tested in two schools which did not participate in the actual study to ensure clarity of the final instruments for the actual data collection. Furthermore, expert opinion from supervisors may help to check on the content validity of the instruments. The percentage number of respondents according to variables such as; sex, age, type of motivation and performance were computed and presented using frequency tables, means and standard deviation. The effect of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on the performance of teachers was established using Pearson Product Moment statistical method. Qualitative data was organized according to themes identified from research questions and analyzed using content analysis. Data from interviews and discussions was recorded, organized, interpreted and presented and discussed. The expected findings of the study informed stakeholders and policy makers in designing motivation effective packages for teaching staff in Bungoma North Sub County, Kenya and the rest of the world.

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