

Halima Ursuna Dube - Post Graduate Student in Business Administration (Entrepreneurship), Kenyatta University, Kenya

Chrispen Maende - Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya


The purpose of this study was to determine cultural background influence on the performance of women entrepreneurs in Kibra Constituency. Descriptive research design was used in this study. The population of concern was 523 female registered entrepreneurs in Kibra Constituency. The study settled on 221 respondents as the sample size. Drop and Pick method of questionnaire administration was used to provide respondents enough time for well thought out responses. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Version 23.0). Inferential data analysis was done using multiple regression analysis. Qualitative data from the open-ended questions was analyzed using conceptual content analysis and subsequently presented in prose. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, mean score and standard deviation was estimated for all the quantitative variables and information presented inform of tables. The coefficient of correlation R is 0.793 an indication of strong correlation between variables, Coefficient of determination R2 is 0.629, means that variation in dependent variable can be traced by the three independent variables; Age, Length of service and Education. The p value of ethnicity, education and financial resources was less than 0.05 an indication that the variables significantly influenced the study. The study concludes that respondents concurred that ethnicity and access to finances influenced performance of women entrepreneurs in Kibra Constituency. The study recommends that family traditions should positively influence performance of women entrepreneurs in Kibra Constituency. Discrimination should not hinder women from investing and being entrepreneurial. Attitude and norms should significantly influence performance of women in entrepreneur in Kibra Constituency. Further, education should positively influence performance of women entrepreneurs in Kibra. In addition, financial resources should positively influence performance of women entrepreneurship.

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