

Jude K. Odhiambo - Master of Arts in Project Planning and Management, University of Nairobi, Kenya

Dr. Anne A. Aseey - Senior Lecturer, Odel Campus, University of Nairobi, Kenya


The purpose of the study was to investigate influence of microfinance institutions on community development projects: a case of household’s in Muhoroni Constituency, Kisumu County, Kenya. The objectives were to determine the influence of government regulatory frameworks on community development projects in Muhoroni constituency, to examine the influence of macroeconomic factors on community development projects in Muhoroni constituency, to establish the influence of stakeholder participation on community development projects in Muhoroni constituency, and to establish the influence of marketing strategies on community development projects in Muhoroni constituency. There was a supposition that, the members were ready to take part and addressed answer the   inquiries   dependably   and   precisely. The study included theories diffusion of innovation theory of innovations and the dynamic capabilities theories. A summary of these theories and their implications to the study were discussed. The   study   likewise   assumed   that   the respondents have essential learning in project administration. The study employed descriptive research design. From the possible target population of 1520, stratified random sampling was employed to select a total of 190 sample population. Survey questionnaires were utilized as the information gathering instruments. The filled questionnaires containing collected data were sorted out and cross checked to ensure that they were complete.  The data was then grouped into various categories based on the study objectives: demand patterns, inventory cost and store records. SPSS.v20 was used to analyze data. The study questionnaire return rate was 52.6 % which was adequate for the study. Most respondents were males being represented by 58% and 42% were female. Furthermore the study established that all respondents had at least acquired some education were most 29% qualified up to O level, 22% qualified up to A level 28% qualified up to Diploma level and 21% qualified up to Degree level. The findings revealed that the majority of the respondents agreed that; lack  of  constant  update  of  the  policies  in  place  affects  project success as depicted by  mean of 2.47; empowerment of the leadership and   management   team   at   the community level ensures project performance projected by 2.62 mean score with 0.14 as the resultant standard deviation and that, marketing plans should be done for all levels of project implementation projected by 2.70 mean score with 0.11 resultant standard deviation. The study recommends that the project organization engages the stakeholders more to harmonize its  goals  and  objectives  with  the  aspirations  of  the  stakeholders  and  reduce  dissonance levels  thereby  increasing  satisfaction. To enable employees deliver quality services, the study recommends that the project organization hires qualified staff. The  study  recommends  that  the project organization involves  stakeholders  in  all  its  strategic management right from strategic formulation to strategic evaluation. The study suggests similar studies in other Counties in Kenya. One of the conclusions of this study is that project planning, which is one of the important stages of a project life, does have an influence on the performance of community development projects. There is need to explore how other stages of a project cycle influence on the performance of community development projects.

Full Length Research (PDF Format)