

Karenye Kimani David - Master in Business Administration (Strategic Management), Kenyatta University, Kenya

Dr. Elishiba Murigi (PhD) - Department of Business Administration, School of Business, Kenyatta University, Kenya


A myriad of factors influence the strategy implementation process which has direct impact on the organization performance either negatively or positively. Researches in Kenya have assessed these factors either singularly or in set within the banking industry and public institutions, hence a conceptual and contextual gap. This study therefore primarily aimed to establish the effects of strategy implementation practices on the performance of pharmaceutical firms in Kenya. The practices considered were; leadership, employee development, communication and organization culture. The study adopted a non-experimental descriptive and explanatory research design using a cross-sectional survey in order to provide a real time snap shot of industry as well as an explanation on how the practices work on performance. A total of 25 pharmaceutical firms were randomly selected from the sampling frame with at least two respondents from each company. We managed to have 40 out of the targeted 50 respondents. Data was collected using a pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire and analyzed. Descriptive statistics were presented in frequency tables, figure, pie charts and histograms. Associations were assessed individually using non-parametric tests and regression modelling for the overall organization performance. The predictor variables, Organizational leadership practice, Organizational HRM practice and Organizational communication practices  were statistically significant at p≤ 0.05  with exception of  Organizational cultural practices at p=0.199. The final regression model was significant indicating the positive effect of the predictor variables in determining the Kenya pharmaceutical firm’s general performance. The study findings assumed that the information collected was free of any reporting biases. This study can be used by other researchers for referencing. For policy makers, it is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of the pharmaceutical firms in Kenya a key stakeholder in the implementation of the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Kenya under the presidential Big 4 Agenda. Further longitudinal studies on organizational performance could be looked into by researchers. 

Full Length Research (PDF Format)