

Amukono Lawrence Kasire - Department of Business Administration, School of Business, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Dr. Reuben Kinyuru Njuguna - Department of Business Administration, School of Business, Kenyatta University, Kenya


The study aims at establishing the effect of e-services strategy on service quality of services at Kenya Civil Aviation Authority. The following objectives guided the study; To6 determine6 the6 influence6of e-service cost, e-documentation, e-reporting and service flexibility on service quality at Kenya Civil Aviation Authority. This study was based on the following three theoretical foundations; resource based-view, technology acceptance theory and service quality theory. A descriptive research design was utilized and this allowed the study to describe the variables in terms of their characteristics. The study focused on 8 staff at JKIA, The study utilized primary information, the study used of Krejcie and Morgan’s method of determination of a sample size the eventual sample size obtained was composed of 92 respondents. Primary information was gathered by methods for structured questionnaires. Content validity was used to research if or not the devices addressed the study questions. Test-retest technique was utilized whereby the pilot questionnaires was self-administered two times to the respondents, with a one-week interim. The research used Cronbach’s alpha formula to test reliability, with value of 0.7, The quantitative information gathered was analyzed utilizing descriptive statistics with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 2. The study KCAA established that automation of organization positive impact on impact on service flexibility and service cost, also utilities such as e-reporting and e-documentation were positively linked with enhanced quality service. ICT platforms helps to cut down the cost that could be incurred if all the parties in that communication were assemble physically. The study concludes that system functions such as e-reporting, e-documentation and e-service cost all had positive impact on service quality at Kenya Civil Aviation Authority. The study recommends that the management of KCAA should ensure all the necessary parameters are in place, It’s paramount to ensure that all the staff are trained on new system, in other words, it important for the employees to have full understanding of how the system operated so that they can by in the idea of the anticipated organizational operational changes.

Full Length Research (PDF Format)