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Matano Ferdinand - Masters in Purchasing and Logistics Management, School of Business and Economics, Department of Management Science, Kisii University, Kenya

Dr. Enock Musau (PhD) - Lecturer, Department of Management Science, Kisii University, Kenya

Dr. Yobes Benjamin Nyaboga (PhD) - Senior Lecturer Department of Business Administration, Kisii University, Kenya


The purpose of this study is to establish the effect of e-procurement implementation practices on procurement of goods, works and service in National Youth Service, Nairobi City County. The study sought to find out the effect of e-sourcing and e-tendering on the procurement of goods works and services in the National Youth Service, Nairobi City County as the main objectives. Numerous studies have been done on e-procurement and its contribution on procurement performance. This study sought to determine the knowledge gaps in e-procurement implementation practices by reducing cost, streamlining service leading to short lead time, customer satisfaction and timely payment of goods, work and services delivered without delay. A pilot test was carried out at Utalii Collage to ascertain the reliability of the research instrument and was confirmed by the supervisors and other experts that the instrument was reliable. The study was carried out in the National Youth Service Headquarters Ruaraka, Nairobi City County after numerous allegations of misappropriation of funds from the branch due to centralization of most of procurements functions as per the media reports and other investigative agencies. The study was guided by two main theories including, Network Perspective Theory, and Resource-Based View theory. The target population for the study was 500 staff working in various departments at the National Youth Service, Nairobi City County. A representative stratified sample of 30% was considered representative and in this case, a sample of 150 respondents was considered for the study. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The researcher confirmed both construct and content validity by consulting supervisor and other experts. Cronbach alpha of 0.7 or above was considered to check for reliability of instruments. The quantitative data collected was sorted and entered into the current statistical package SPSS version 25for analysis. Frequencies mean and standard deviation was used for descriptive and inferential analysis. The result was presented inform of tables and bar graphs for easy interpretation.  In order to establish the effect of e-Procurement implementation practice on procurement of goods, works and services, regression analysis was employed to establish the relationship among the study variables. E-tendering was associated with reduced time for tender invitation exercise as well as led to increased transparency in tendering process. Based on the findings, the study recommended for full adoption of e-procurement implementation practices to enhance procurement of goods, works and services in National Youth Service, Nairobi City County.   

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