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Pauline Muthoni Wambui - Master of Business Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya.

Dr. Samuel Maina (PhD) - School of Business, Kenyatta University, Kenya.


Over the last few years, some big chain supermarkets have been faced with significant financial woes causing them to experience dramatic decline in performance with some collapsing completely. Analysts have argued that poor managerial and cultural attributes have been key factors that have played a key role towards poor performance of retail chain stores across Nairobi City County. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to investigate the effect of organization adaptability on performance of large retail chain stores in Nairobi County, Kenya. The study was anchored on Daniel Denison’s Model. The study adopted descriptive research design. The target population therefore consisted of 6 selected retail chain store branches operating across Nairobi City County. The unit of analysis was 6 retail chain store branches operating across NCC while the unit of observation was 529 comprising of the managers and supervisors of the supermarkets. The sample size of 228 was attained using stratified random sampling to select the respondents based on whether managers or supervisors and systematic sampling was used to pick the respondents from each stratum. Primary data was gathered using structured questionnaire. The quantitative data was coded and entered into the Statistical Packages for Social Scientists (SPSS Version 25) software, which was then analyzed using descriptive statistics. The substance of the respondents' responses was also used to generate qualitative data. Responses that share common patterns were placed together in the same category. In addition, the researcher used regression analysis to evaluate the extent of the relationship between the response and predictor variables at a 95% confidence level. The research found that the working procedures in the supermarket are flexible allowing for employees to make key decisions. The research also found that the supermarkets do not encourage and reward those who take risk. The study recommends that the large retail chain stores in NCC establish the right organizational culture based on organization adaptability that would cultivate an environment that support successful strides in their performance. Teamwork should also be encouraged and enhance easy access to information from other departments by creating strong synergy between departments.

Full Length Research (PDF Format)