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Grace Kawira Mugo - Masters Student, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya

Dr. Jared Deya (PhD) - Lecturer, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya


The main goal of the study was to find out how strategic capabilities affect how independent commissions in Kenya do their jobs. Specifically, the study sought to ascertain the effects of Human Resource Management (HRM), Knowledge Management (KM), Logistics Management (LM), and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Management capabilities on the effectiveness of independent commissions in Kenya. A descriptive research design was used in the study. The target population included the independent commissions established under the Constitution of Kenya. Accordingly, the units of analysis were the 12 independent commissions in Kenya. From this population the units of observation were senior management staff who included the CEOs and departmental directors in the Independent Commissions in Kenya. Each independent commission consisted of one (1) CEO and nine directors heading the departments in the independent commissions. As such, each independent commission had ten management staff who could take part in the study contributing to a total of 120 possible respondents. The study conducted a census study of 120 senior management staff. A semi-structured questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale was used to collect the data. Inferential statistics were used to test the relationship between the variables, while descriptive analysis was used to explain the distribution of the collected data. The data was presented in the form of tables. The study found that a unit increase in ICT management capabilities would lead to a 0.612 change in the performance; A unit increase in KM capabilities would lead to a 0.898 increase in the performance of the independent commissions; A unit increase in LM capabilities would lead to a 0.755 growth in the performance and; A unit increase in HRM capabilities would lead to a 0.734 increase in the performance of the independent commissions in Kenya. The independent variables provide a 76.8% of the prediction of the dependent variable. The service effectiveness of the independent commissions was rated at an average of 3.9 stars; the average service time was 30minutes and the mean of customer satisfaction index was 72.74%. The study concludes that ICT management capabilities play a crucial role on the performance of the independent commissions; KM capabilities contribute significantly to the organizational performance of the independent commissions; logistics capability affect the organizations’ performances and; HRM Capabilities significantly affect organizational performance. There is a significant link between strategic capabilities and performance of independent commissions in Kenya. The study recommends that dynamic ICT implementation capability models that take into account new technological capabilities and transformative public organizations need to be used. The independent commissions in Kenya's KM capabilities need to be bolstered by knowledge process capabilities in order to achieve even greater performance success. In order to guarantee the timely and secure delivery of operation materials to the independent commissions, the commissions should enhance their logistics management capabilities, with a focus on distribution systems. The study recommends the independent commissions in Kenya to enhance services effectiveness, reducing service time and improved service quality in the way they deliver their services.

Full Length Research (PDF Format)