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Omar Abdirizak Sheikh Adam - Master of Business Administration in Human Resource Management, Kenya Methodist University, Kenya

Douglas Ogolla - Kenya Methodist University, Kenya

Stephen Maore - Kenya Methodist University, Kenya


Globally, recruitment, selection and placement processes are vitally important to any organization desirous of attracting and appointing qualified personnel. Getting the right people in the right place at the time doing the right job is an essential element of recruitment and selection process in organizations. This study sought to determine the influence of human Resource hiring practices on performance of United Nations Organizations in Mogadishu, Somalia. Specifically, the objectives sought to determine the effect of recruitment, Selection, placement and induction on organization performance of UN organizations in Mogadishu, Somalia. The study targeted the human resource department of registered United Nations Organizations in Mogadishu. The research focused on Human Resource officers in charge of human resources because they are involved directly with recruitment, selection, placement and induction of individuals in the organization. From the study analysis it was established that there was a correlation coefficient of 0.906 and determination coefficients of 0.821, thus depicting a strong relationship between recruitment, selection, placement, human resource on organization performance. The study concluded that Recruitment, Selection, Placement and induction are important in the organization since they greatly influence the organization performance. The study showed that majority (46.88%) of the respondents indicated they had worked in the United Nations Organizations for a period of 30 to 35 years and above. From the analysis of findings    it was established that majority of the respondents (48.7%) indicated that they had a university degree. The study also established that 20.5% of the respondents indicated that they had a college diploma.  From this findings could generally infer that most respondents were well educated and knowledgeable to provide the theoretical information relating to the influence of recruitment, selection, placement and induction on performance of UN organizations. Based on the findings and discussion on influence of recruitment, selection, placement and induction, the researcher recommends that the United Nations should emphasize on it hiring policies and practices in order to improve performance. To ensure that recruitment and selection process helps UN organizations to realize increased performance, the human resource managers should design an effective recruitment policy linked to the overall strategy. The recruitment practices should always be in accordance with the recruitment policy guidelines. This would allow for generalization of study findings on relationship between employee retention practices and organizational performance the UN agencies in Somalia. The researcher recommends that, future studies should focus on relationship between employee retention practices and organizational performance in United Nations agencies in Somalia.

Full Length Research (PDF Format)