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Patrick Mugambi - University of Nairobi, Kenya

Prof. Nathan Gichuki - University of Nairobi, Kenya


Waste generation dates back to man’s origin and the early way of life, which principally was foraging through the nomadic experience and pattern of life. Household solid waste management is becom¬ing a serious public health concern in Meru town. This is mainly because Meru town residents are not conscious of proper and well-maintained waste management systems. The purpose of this study was to find out factors influencing household functional solid waste management systems in Meru town. The study was guided by the following objectives; to determine how types of household solid waste generated, availability of household functional solid waste equipment and facilities, household functional solid waste management awareness and laws and polices influence functional solid waste management in Meru town. The study adopted a descriptive research design, targeting the management team of functional solid waste management companies in Meru town. This study also adopted a stratified and simple random sampling technique to select a sample population of 302 respondents arrived at by calculating the target population of 4,899 with a 95% confidence level and an error of 0.05. Primary data was obtained using self-administered questionnaires. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, mean score and standard deviation. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Version 22.0) was used for this purpose. Data was presented inform of tables and graphs. Finally, inferential data analysis was done using Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis (multiple regression analysis). The study revealed that recyclable waste has improved cleanliness in Meru town and that inorganic waste has discouraged prompt collection of waste. The findings also showed that availability of trash bins enhances cleanness of Meru town and that availability of adequate landfill prompt collection of waste. The study also concluded that availability of household solid waste equipment and facilities positively and significantly influenced household functional solid waste management, that type of household solid waste generated positively and significantly influenced household functional solid waste management, that household solid waste management awareness positively and significantly influenced household functional solid waste management and that waste management laws and policies positively and significantly influenced household functional solid waste management. Therefore the study recommends that existing by laws should be strictly enforced in all areas of the town and new ones formulated to cope with changing times for example formulation of town policy, that awareness be created in all areas/institutions in the town, schools, hospitals, colleges, workplaces among other areas on importance of clean environment in the town, that existing by laws should be strictly enforced in all areas of the town and new ones formulated to cope with changing times for example formulation of town policy and that Meru town authorities should collect household solid waste in for free.

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