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Techler Zabibu Dadu - Student, Masters of Business Administration (Finance), School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, Taita Taveta University, Kenya

Dr. Irene Njeri - Lecturer, Taita Taveta University, Kenya

Anne Kemunto - Lecturer, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya


Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) play a huge part in the social advancement process in the different countries of the world. They are most instrumental especially where countries do not have enough money, where the prevailing political circumstances are hostile, avoidable or unavoidable environmental changes have resulted in natural disasters, presence of rampant ethnic strife, where the economic ability of the populace is so low that they are unable to procure basic goods and services are they social, economic and educational. The project studied the relationship between grant management practices and financial sustainability among Non-Governmental Organizations located in Taita-Taveta County. General objective was to evaluate the relationship between grant financial management and sustainability of Non-Governmental Organization in Taita-Taveta County Kenya, a case study of World Vision Kenya. Specific objectives was to determine the effects of strategic financial planning on the financial sustainability of non-governmental organizations in Taita-Taveta County Kenya, to find out the effects of financial management on the financial sustainability of non-governmental organizations in Taita-Taveta County Kenya and to assess the effects of donor relationship management on the financial sustainability of non-governmental organizations in Taita-Taveta County Kenya. The project was a case study of World Vision Kenya. The targeted population were staff of world Vision Kenya, Community Based Organizations in partnership with Word Vision and Students attached to World Vision. The study sampled 40 respondents. Purposive sampling was used to select the 40 employees giving a sample of 40 respondents. The study was be based on primary data. The data was collected through structured questionnaire. Content validity index was used to establish whether the questionnaire measure what it was to measure. Test reliability was done where cronbach’s Alpha was used to measure reliability. The Chi-square test of association demonstrated a statistically significant relationship between donor relationship management and financial sustainability, emphasizing the pivotal role of cultivating and maintaining strong ties with donors for the long-term financial health of NGOs. Both strategic financial planning and donor relationship management were identified as significant contributors to the odds of achieving financial sustainability. This underscores the importance of not only formulating robust financial strategies but also fostering effective donor relationships as integral components of organizational financial viability but the study did not find a statistically significant effect of grant income diversification on the odds of financial sustainability.

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