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Bernard Mulingulu Kimondio - Student, Master of Business Administration (Management Information Systems), Kenyatta University, Kenya

Joshua Tumuti - Lecturer, School of Business, Economics and Tourism, Kenyatta University, Kenya


Despite the fact that long distance public transport bus companies in Kenya had invested heavily in the adoption of MIS with an aim of enhancing their performance, some of them were still struggling to achieve the expected profitability and productivity. This was mainly due to the differences in the extents of technology adoption in electronic document management, electronic parcel management, electronic booking and electronic fleet management systems respectively. This meant that companies who were not able to remain updated in the adoption of their management information systems soon became irrelevant to their customers and hence loss of business to their competitors who were updated. Additionally, the high capital involved in venturing into long distance transport business only to be brought down by technological issue which could be researched, identified and resolved was a big matter of concern among the long distance public transport bus companies. This as a result left many investors in this industry wondering why they were not performing as expected despite their efforts to adopt MIS and which was why there was need to provide an answer through a research study. This research therefore sought to assess the information management systems adoption and performance of the long distance public transport bus companies in Lamu, Kenya and focused on the extent of adoption which seemed to affect the performance of the said bus companies. Specific objective was to establish the extent of adoption of electronic document management on performance of the long distance public transport bus companies in Kenya. Technology Acceptance Theory (TAT), Resource based view theory and Diffusion of Innovation Theory were used. Qualitative research methodology was used and descriptive data collection techniques and interpretation was applied respectively. The study used inferential statistics to examine the data in order to draw a summary and finally bring the study to its conclusion. Data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics by use of SPSS V20. The study revealed that Management Information Systems (MIS) adoption had a great influence or effect on the performance of the long distance public transport bus companies. Such included the adoption of Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS), which enabled the companies to save on office space, increase data security, efficiency and productivity. The study concluded that EDMS had a great influence on the performance of the long distance public transport bus companies. The study recommended that every long distance public transport bus company should work hard toward full adoption of their IMS in order to achieve the maximum profitability in the public transport industry. The study equally recommended that the government of Kenya to withdraw taxes for ICT equipment in order to enable the companies to afford the ICT gadgets.

Full Length Research (PDF Format)