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Bonface Kinoti Gatobu - Master of Business Administration in Strategic Management, Kenya Methodist University, Kenya

Jane Munga - Kenya Methodist University, Kenya

Bernard Baimwera - Kenya Methodist University, Kenya


Strategy implementation involves the process of transforming strategic intentions into actions, then into acceptable results. It is one of the most important stages in the decision making process, taking into account all the actions necessary to put the strategy into practice. This study focused on the public sector and within the context of CDF at Buuri Constituency. The first objective of the study was to determine how organization structure influences strategy implementation at Buuri constituency, the second is on the extent to which organization culture influence implementation of strategic, plans, thirdly, the extent to which Buuri Constituency Strategic Plan has been implemented and finally the extent to which various challenges in the implementation of the strategic plans at Buuri Constituency. The research design used in this study was descriptive research design. The study used a questionnaire as the main data collection tool. The study targeted all the sixteen members of Buuri CDF committee and the water and sanitation project implementation Committee, Bursary Fund implementation Committee, Roads and Public works implementation committee. The study used a census method since the population under study was relatively small. Data analysis was conducted through the use of descriptive and inferential statistics. Inferential statistics were used to draw conclusions and make predictions based on the analysis of numeric data. This information was presented in the form of tables and figures. The tools used for the analysis was SPSS (V23) and Microsoft Excel (2013) software. The major findings of the study were that Buuri CDFC adopt various practices in implementing its strategies. Embedded in the institutions' broad action plans and strategic plans are practices such as planning and control system, performance targets, direct supervision and some social cultural practices. This study established that whilst the practices that Buuri CDFC use support its strategies, aspects of structure and culture, resistance to change, unsupportive processes and procedures, uncontrollable attitudes and non-motivation of staff, inadequate training of staff and resources among others were major obstacles to successful strategy implementation. The study found that there is a positive relationship between strategy implementation and organizational structure, organizational culture and addressing implementation based challenges of magnitude 0.606, 0.852 and 0.793 respectively. The positive relationship indicates that there is a correlation between the factors and strategy implementation in Buuri CDFC with organizational culture having the highest value and organizational process having the lowest correlation value.  Nevertheless, all the factors had a significant p-value (p<0.05) at 95% confidence level. The significance values for organizational structure, organizational culture and Challenges were 0.048, 0.011 and 0.024 respectively. The Anova results show that the significance value is 0.0236 which is less than 0.05 thus the model is statistically significant in predicting how the organization structure, organization culture, and  mitigating of challenges influences strategy implementation at Buuri CDFC. The F is significant at 5% level of significance was 3.27 because f calculated is greater than F critical (Value + 7.563), this shows that in totality the model was significant Based on the findings of the study there is need to put more emphasis on a functional Organisation Structure as well as culture bearing in mind that the institutions in question have been in existence for a period of more than five years. Activities of the Buuri CDFC need to be streamlined such that different departments of the committee are not competing with one another but working for the common good of the Buuri Constituency citizenry. The issues regarding allocation of resources, should be discussed openly and candidly, this will eliminate suspicion especially on favourism based on political inclinations.

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