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Joan Chepng’eno - Master’s in Business Administration (Project Management), Kenyatta University, Kenya

Gladys Kimutai - Department of Management Science, School of Business, Kenyatta University, Kenya


Project sustainability is a crucial aspect to donors and other stakeholders especially in ensuring that the projects are in use and in good condition for a longer period. Road projects in Kenya assist movement of goods and services, social and economic development of the nation. There is a need to improve road condition for a nation like Kenya to develop and ensure environmental impact, resource management, quality of project and road user’s satisfaction on the condition of Roads. Despite the effort in contracting road network in Kericho County, there are over 10000 Km of road that are not tarmacked and are in poor condition. The study aims to evaluate the influence of planning and resource allocation on road projects sustainability in Kericho County, Kenya. The study was grounded on resource based theory. Descriptive and explanatory research design was adopted. Target population was 123 road projects. A census of 98 staff from KURA, KENHA, KeRRA and County Government was utilized to provide information on the projects. The data was collected using semi-structured questionnaires. This was subjected to interrogation by supervisors and peer review to ensure validity. A pilot test was used to ensure reliability where internal consistency was checked. Analysis of data used both descriptive and inferential statistic. Descriptive techniques adapted the mean and standard deviations while multiple linear regression and Pearson Correlation analysis as inferential techniques. Normality, homoscedasticity, multi-collinearity and autocorrelation were tested before using multiple linear regression models. Data were presented using table and charts. Finding of the study indicated that project planning had significant influence on project sustainability. This was due to budgetary estimates, inventory system and planning process reduced wastage, mismanagement and corruption. However, time scheduling required more improvement so as to reduce time wastage during construction. Resource allocation had positive significant influence on project sustainability. Human resource, physical resource and financial resource had significant influence on project sustainability. The study concluded that project planning and resource allocation had positive significant relationship with project sustainability. The study recommended to constructors and road engineers that time scheduling in project planning should be enhanced to reduce time wastage. It also recommended resource allocation to improve quality and project sustainability.

Full Length Research (PDF Format)